08 / 05 / 2020

Pastor Dale Leadership Podcast


Nearly 30 years ago I had the most unusual wedding experience of my life. I was officiating the ceremony, and the bride was about to come down the aisle when suddenly I sensed God talking to me. He said, “I have planned your ministry out in three parts. For the first 20 years you will fulfill your calling as a pastor, the second you will focus on being an evangelist and missionary pastor to the nations, and in the third 20 years your focus will be on equipping and multiplying leaders.”

Just over a year ago, I realized I was entering the third phase and began praying about what that would look like. The passion of my heart is to see people rise up as leaders in their homes, work places, schools, and the church to impact the lives of others in a greater way. My burden is to inspire and equip leaders to bear more fruit for God than they ever imagined. And in turn, to then see that fruit multiply through others.

It is toward this goal that I am offering the Dale Walker Leadership Podcast, available on all podcast streaming platforms. I am thankful for the miracle of technology that allows me to share Biblical insights and encouragement that I believe will help you grow in your leadership potential in Christ.

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Dale Walker




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