07 / 07 / 2019

Farming God's Way


Chris and Heidi Kohn are our partners with Orchard Ministries in Zambia, Africa. With the Corona Virus relief offerings sent by HFTW, they were able to help many pastors in their area. Orchard operates a Bible school there, training 12 teenage boys to become pastors and missionaries. They affectionately call their students “young lions,” many of whom come from poverty.


Chris and Heidi recently came up with a brilliant idea. With the funds, they decided to (as the saying goes) not just give their students a fish but to teach them how to fish. They divided up the land behind their house into plots for each boy to have his own garden. They brought in farmers who have a ministry called “Farming God’s Way” to help.


Using the relief funds, they purchased materials to create an irrigation system that includes a holding tank, pump, and pipes for water to reach the individual plots. They also bought rakes and shovels. The crops are blossoming well. The boys have planted cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cauliflower and are preparing to plant beans and groundnuts.

Orchard Ministries has three big goals:


1. To teach the boys a life skill they can use the rest of their lives.
Many Zambians who learn these skills of farming never have to buy food, are able to live off what they raise in their garden, freeing up resources they do have to be used for other things like education.


2. For the boys to learn stewardship.
They learn that God is the owner of the land and we are the stewards or managers. God provides when we are faithful stewards. Everything needed to grow these crops is organically available, so the boys are discovering how to find the fertilizer naturally from their environment instead of having to buy it. They are learning that their ability to work hard with their hands and manage their time well is God’s way of providing.


3. To teach the boys generosity.
One of the beautiful things about these gardens is that the “young lions” will grow the food to give them lunch and to take home for their families every day. This enables Orchard Ministries to have more funds available for other things. With the produce, they also plan to provide food for the feeding programs which the students are also learning to manage and lead.

This is part of Orchard’s over-all vision, that future leaders need to be holistically trained to lead well in every area, not only spiritually but economically, and as family leaders who will become great husbands and dads as well as pastors and neighbors.

This is part of Orchard’s over-all vision, that future leaders need to be holistically trained to lead well in every area, not only spiritually but economically, and as family leaders who will become great husbands and dads as well as pastors and neighbors.


Dale Walker

Global Director

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