Plenty Too Much release

05 / 06 / 2020

Plenty Too Much Book release!


In the middle of all of this, a book I’ve been working on writing for several years finally was published. The title of the book is “Plenty Too Much”. I wasn’t sure what I should do about the timing of releasing the book, but several indicated that this is exactly the perfect time.

Plenty Too Much is focused on teaching how to go from a scarcity to an abundance mindset in every area of our lives so that we can make our biggest difference for God. I share the story of how my life was changed when I realized that if I was willing to focus on truly showing God’s love to people, He would allow me to give out of His pocket, not mine. I use the story of the feeding of the 5000 to show how we can be like that little boy who, because he gave his lunch to Jesus for what Jesus wanted to do, saw Jesus multiply that lunch beyond what he could ever have imagined.
In writing this book, one of the burdens I had was to see that any and all income or profits made from it would go to help those who have the least and hurt the most, for whom Heart for the World is supporting here and around the world.

Last week we began a sermon series and church wide campaign based on the book. You might want to check out the sermons on our website at You will also find more resources about the book like life group lessons, and a daily devotional based on the book.

I sure want to encourage you to get your copy by click on the button below I know this will bless you plenty too much

Dale Walker


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